October Man Church

We're about to have a meeting on how to promote the October Man Church. We're bringing in the one speaker we've been trying to get for three years - Nate Larkin, author of "Samson and the Pirate Monks." This book is a must read for all Christian men, especially those who struggle with sexual issues (hence, all Christian men).

We'll come up with lots of really good ideas, but the truth is that we need you, Man Church men to invite your friends. We need a grass-roots effort to get men to come. That's what Man Church is - a grass-roots effort, and this is no different.

So, say whatever you want...something like "Hey, porn-head, you need to come with me to Man Church this month," or "Hey, free-loader, you get free burgers at Man Church. Yes, I said it - FREE."

Whatever you say, invite your friends. They will not be disappointed, they will love what Nate Larkin has to say.

Here's a fair warning: Nate is direct. Nate tells his story with bold honesty, and speaks to the heart of the issue. He will give us a very clear word on how to fix the problems. Like every Man Church this year, we will have a Question and Answer time at the end. I hope you'll be there, and invite your friends this time.