The Inside Scoop

"The Inside Scoop"

By Greg Beauchamp

Many of you have expressed interest in knowing "The Inside Scoop." What really happens behind the scenes at Man Church? How are decisions made? What are some of the funny things that happen that no one knows about?

Against my better judgement, and against the advice of my closest personal advisors, I will oblige. Here's what happens...NOTHING. The fact that Man Church happens at all is a minor miracle. That's not really true, but I get way more credit than I deserve.

For instance, last month, Steve Stroope, Pastor of LakePointe Church was the speaker. But the speaker was supposed to be Bill Cosby. We thought that he would be a nice surprise to kick off Man Church season three. Unfortunately, Mr. Cosby was unable to attend. It appears he's "too busy" to come to Man Church, even though we didn't actually even ask him, and could never afford him. So, Steve went ahead and spoke. He did a great job...probably better than Bill Cosby would have done, but Cosby would have been funnier. He's a professional comedian, for goodness sake. You see, my plan was to ask Steve to speak, then, at the last minute, call him to say, "Steve, you'll never believe this, but Bill Cosby will come and speak for free at Man Church." I suspected that Steve, being an humble guy, would graciously back out. But when Bill never showed, I just went ahead and let Steve speak. Those are some behind-the-scenes facts no one would have even guessed. But, hey, Man Church is REAL, you know what I mean? We tell it like it is, baby!

Last May, Wes Hamilton spoke when George Bush, the former president just failed to even call and say he wouldn't be with us. While we never got around to inviting the former president, it would have been nice for him to at least call. So, Wes spoke, instead, and did good. Not quite a household name like George Bush, but at least Wes is reliable!

In November, I'm pretty sure that Josh Hamilton or Tim Tebow will be speaking. I promise that if one of them shows up and says, "Can I speak at Man Church," we'll be ready to say, "Of course - we expected you!" I would never in a million years ask Josh or Tim (one's still playing - one's through for the year). I guess it's being authentic to admit that our plan has always been to get a really good backup, invite them to speak, and hope a really "Big Name" surprises us. Look, if you don't shoot for the stars, you'll never hit an eagle (which, by the way, is illegal, unless you're in France).

For a true story, this month, we'll have Nate Larkin speak. Nate's book, "Samson and the Pirate Monks," is a must-read for every Christian man. He is a powerful speaker, and we're fortunate to have him. I take all the credit, and deserve none. About a year ago, Wes Hamilton gave me the Samson book. I read it, then bought five more for my sons, and some friends. About nine months ago, Wes said, "I've got a friend... do you want me to see if we can get Nate Larkin to speak?" I, being the brilliant leader that I am said, "Duh." About a month later, Wes said, "Nate will come but you need to call him." Three weeks later, Wes said, "Have you called Nate?" I finally called him, and he agreed to come.

This is the way everything happens at Man Church. Someone comes up with a great idea, and it happens in spite of me. God is funny that way. I get lots of credit, but about the only thing I do is stand up at Man Church and try to say something intelligant inteligent intellagant smart. It's not as easy at it looks.

We always wonder if men will actually show up, and are amazed when they do. Every month, guys show up earlier than me to cook burgers, set up tables, and generally get things done. The media team is AWESOME, and no one ever really sees them, but they are the reason we hear or see anything. Joel Warren and the Man Band talk, plan, practice, and do a great job.

Lance Chisholm has been a true hero. No one takes more time off, and invests more energy than Lance, and he is a true Man's Man. If one of us is most like Jesus, it's Lance Chisholm.

The communications department at LakePointe come up with designs and production of the t-shirts (we have a great one coming - bring $10 - you're gonna want one).

Come hear Nate Larkin this week, October 14. 6:00 p.m. burgers; 6:56 Man Church starts in the main auditorium of LakePointe Church, Rockwall, TX.